Tutorials — premium
Create Star Wars Blasters with Paint.NET

Draw blaster bolts into your next Star Wars epic or sci-fi saga. MPEG Streamclip: Convert Video Into FramesMPEG Streamclip: Convert Frames Into Video Get Paint.NET HERE Get Pinta HERE
Writing Screenplays with Celtx

Use Celtx to write and plan your movie ideas before starting to animate. Download the version used in this tutorial from the Downloads page.
Editing Animation in Windows Movie Maker 6.0

Edit your movie with the best version of Movie Maker ever released! If you have a sequence of images that need to be converted into video, follow these instructions: MPEG Streamclip: Convert Frames Into Video Download Windows Movie Maker (32-bit version) 6.0 HERE. If you see an error message: "Movie Maker 6.0 for Windows 7 (32-bit) cannot be installed on Windows XP/Vista/Windows7 x64", you'll need to install the 64-bit version of WMM. Download HERE. Unable to save HD video from Movie Maker? Follow these instructions. Dino roars by CGEffex: one, two If you're still using Windows XP, download Windows Movie Maker 2.6....
Nov 07, 2015
Tags: premium Windows Movie MakerEditing Animation in Apple iMovie 10

iMovie 10.0 is Apple's simple, yet powerful video editor. Get a head start with this complete tutorial. Dino roars by CGEffex: one, two